Table of Contents

The first part of our synagogue’s name is “Beit Immanuel“, which means “House-Elohim is with us” in the Hebrew language of the Scriptures.  The second part of our name Global Outreach” refers to our endeavor to obey the command given by Yeshua to bo (“go”) into all the Earth proclaiming the B’sorot Tovot (Good News) of Salvation through our Messiah, Yeshua. Our goal is to teach The WAY of Adonai YHVH to all who love Him with all their hearts and souls.  It is for those who desire to acquire the Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom of how to walk in the WAY of The Father.  This synagogue is for all who wish to observe the Messianic, Torah-based way of life that Yeshua our Rabbi lived, along with His original Apostles and Disciples, during the time that He was here as “Elohim with us”.   
( Isaiah 8:8-10,  Isaiah 8:16,20,  Isaiah 7:14,  Isaiah 61:6,9,  Isaiah 52:7-8, Isaiah 62:6, Isaiah 58:12,  Matthew 1:23 )  


We are a congregation of people, rather than a building; a ministry made up of disciples and followers of Yeshua, who seek to uplift, love and nurture one another, along the mutual journey of our walks of life with The Messiah as our Rabbi/Teacher/Master.   Regardless of any differences in doctrines, practices, or national origins of those joining our congregation, our synagogue is united in our objective to closely follow the practices, methodology, spirit and teachings of the People of The WAY, which originated with Yeshua Messiah Himself.  Later, it was then carried forth by the first century synagogue, through the leadership and service of the Apostles of Yeshua.  Just as the Apostles and Disciples of the 1st century synagogue were much more than a congregation, and many of them went far and wide, we too seek to grow into a global community of dynamic Believers and Followers of the WAY of Yeshua.  We have chosen to follow the command to love Adonai, to love one another, and to love His TORAH, as the established standard for living out our lives.    ( Acts 24:14,  John 14:6,  Acts 2:41-47 )  


We believe that the entire Body of Messiah, as a single group of Believers, are commanded to  keep Elohim’s commandments.  These are made up of both natural born Jews and non-Jews (prior Gentiles, those from the nations) who become spiritually grafted into the covenant.  They come from all parts of the world, becoming One People, and a part of the Commonwealth of Israel.  We believe that every one who accepts and follows YESHUA, the Jewish Messiah, and enters into the covenant of Abraham, becomes grafted into Israel, the natural Olive Tree.  By uniting with Israel they too become Jews.  As citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel, Believers share in both the privileges and responsibilities that come with it.  After this rebirth, one becomes a new creation.  They are then no longer called Gentiles, but have become Hebrews by “crossing over”, just as Abraham first did.  ( Romans 11,  John 11:49-52  Ephesians 1:4-6 )


All of Elohim’s (GOD) people are called to walk as Disciples, in a dedicated life of service, worship, compassion,  kindness, holiness, and obedience to His Torah.  As a testimony to the love of Yeshua, we are to live a covenant life, and keep the Torah just as He did.  As we serve in the Great Commission, we confirm Yeshua’s role, as the One sent by The Father to fulfill His purpose as the Messiah of Salvation, for both Israel and the Nations, and to usher in The Kingdom of Adonai.  We aspire to be like Him, a Light unto the World, glorifying of the name of our Father in Heaven in what we think, what we say and what we do.   ( Acts 21:20,  John 17:20-21,  Galatians 2:7-8 )


Beit Immanuel Global Outreach Synagogue is a Messianic Judaic synagogue, bridging the gap between Jews, Christians and non-Jews, reconciling the Jewish Messiah with the TORAH.  We aspire to help Jews understand that we do not believe in, or worship, the Christian Messiah called “Jesus”, as we believe that their “Jesus” is not the same being as our Jewish Messiah named Yeshua, the One venerated by the first century synagogue of the Apostles.  We gladly share this Truth, and this Way of Life in our Rabbi Messiah Yeshua with our fellow Jewish Believers.


On the other hand, we desire to help Christians, and other Believers, come into the knowing of their true Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, the Master and Rabbi, who kept the Torah perfectly, lived a sinless life, and walked in the  WAY of Adonai YHVH and His Torot.  This is one who’s given name is YESHUA, which means the “Salvation of YAH”.  We long to help all believers come to a better, deeper, historically accurate, and considerably more powerful understanding of our true Jewish Messiah, YESHUA, as well as the original Jewish roots of the Messianic faith.


We believe that both the first Jewish Followers of Messiah Yeshua, as well as the non-believing Jews, were removed from the Holy Land in 70 ad/ce.  However, from 1948 ad/ce onward, they are steadily returning to the Promised Land of Elohim, as given to Abraham by covenant, in order to fulfill the prophecies given by our Elohim, Adonai YHVH. 


Beit Immanuel acknowledges that the New Covenant body of Believers is composed of both Jews and non-Jews (with the heart of Ruth) who have received Yeshua the Messiah as the Promised Redeemer.  We recognize that the “middle wall of partition” has been broken down and therefore we now worship the Elohim (God) of Israel together.


We welcome all people, who desire to learn the teachings of our Jewish Messiah YESHUA, and who wish to learn to walk in The WAY of Adonai YHVH, and His Torot, as we believe it was taught to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Yitzhaq (“Isaac”), and Ya’acov (“Jacob”).  We also welcome Christians who wish to return to the true, original Hebraic roots as well as the teachings of their Jewish Messiah in their Judaic context.  As Adonai commanded us to “be holy as I AM Holy”, we believe that the only way to live a life of holiness is to walk in The WAY of Adonai YHVH, in a Torah-observant lifestyle, and to lead by example for all those
who desire to do the same.       
( Zephaniah 3:9, I Corinthians 12:13,  Ephesians 2:13-14 ) 


Our services and liturgy are in both in Hebrew and in English, as La’shon ha’Kodesh (the Holy Tongue) is indeed the language of Heaven, the language that our Elohim (God) used to speak the world into existence, to speak the words of the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai, and the language that we shall return to once again, in Messiah’s Millennium reign and thereafter.  At Beit Immanuel we strongly encourage people to learn Hebrew in order to enhance their understanding of the Holy Scriptures, and to pass this understanding along to the next generations of believers.  ( Leviticus 19:2, I Peter 1:15-16, Zephaniah 3:9)


Beit Immanuel is family-focused organization that also welcomes single people.  From the youngest children to the eldest, we endeavor to create a cohesive body of Believers in order to be a unified spiritual family for all those who Adonai sends to us, creating a place and opportunity for all to serve. 


Come . . . and learn how to walk in The WAY of YHVH, The Father, and join us in the most important endeavor Believers can ever be part of.  Together, we will go to the ends of the earth to reach the un-saved peoples of the World, spreading the Good News of the amazing Love of ABBA Father, and the Salvation and Teachings of Messiah Yeshua, helping to usher in the end-time harvest of souls for the glory of The Kingdom of Adonai.   

      Beit Immanuel Global Outreach Synagogue’s Vision is: 

  • To learn to love Adonai Elohim with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our might; 
  • To learn to love our neighbors as ourselves, establishing Love as the foundation of our congregational spirit, as demonstrated by The Father and His Son to us, His children;
  • To establish a communal congregation that closely follows the practices, methodology, spirit and teachings of the first century synagogue, as taught by the original Apostles, based on the teachings of Yeshua;  
  • To go into all the world, preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of Messiah Yeshua (according to the Davidic Covenant) to all creation; 
  • To baptize all those believing in the Good News, in order that they may be saved and redeemed in the name of Yeshua; 
  • To teach The WAY of Adonai YHVH, and His TORAH to all those who will hear;  and
  • To serve as ambassadors of The Kingdom of Adonai YHVH, our Elohim, on the Earth.  

            ( Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 16:15, Romans 1:

Regarding Adonai YHVH, Elohim (GOD) the Father: 

1. We believe that there is only ONE Elohim, Adonai YHVH,  and that He is the One (Echad), the True and the Living Elohim, Deity, the Creator of all.  Adonai YHVH is the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Ya’acov/Yisrael (Jacob/Israel).  Adonai YHVH, The Father, is a Spirit being, and He is Kadosh (holy), Eternal, Just, Merciful, Infallible, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent;  He is Light, and His essence is pure Love and Righteousness.  We believe Adonai YHVH when He stated that Adawm (Adam, Man) was made in His image ( Genesis 1:26, Genesis 5:1,  Genesis 9:6 ), including both His physical image, and more importantly, His spiritual image.  The scriptures clearly tell us that Adonai YHVH is Spirit, and also has form;  a face ( Exodus 33:20 ), hands ( Exodus 33:22 ), and back ( Exodus 33:23 );   ( Genesis 1:1,  Genesis 35:11,  Exodus 3:6,  John 4:24, Deuteronomy 6:4,  I Corinthians 8:6,  Ephesians 4:4-6, Isaiah 44:6, Colossians 1:16 )  

We believe that “Adonai YHVH so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. (John 3:16).  We believe that by Adonai’s provision of Salvation through His Son Yeshua, He has made a way for all mankind, by exercising our God-given free will, to accept His Son’s sacrifice for our sin, and avoid eternal condemnation.  As our eternal Creator and Father, we believe Adonai YHVH deserves honor, praise, and worship;  as children of His kingdom, we declare Him as our eternal King.    (Romans 8:37-39, Isaiah 43:10-13)

Regarding the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, the Holy Spirit: 

2.  We believe that the Ruach Ha’Kodesh (“Holy Spirit”) is not a third and separate being, but
is the same Spirit of Elohim that operated through His Son, Yeshua, when He was in the world, and through others in the Tanakh, and that after YESHUA’s ascension, was sent into the Believers of Yeshua on Shavuot (Pentecost). This is the same Ruach (Spirit) that now operates in the world, through true Believers (Apostles, Disciples,
and Followers of Yeshua, all those who walk in The Way of Adonai YHVH ).  

We believe that the Ruach Ha’Kodesh indwells every true believer in YESHUA Messiah.  We believe that the Ruach moves us through several phases of purification — first through Conviction, then Repentance, then through Justification, then Sanctification, and finally, Glorification, in order to enable Believers to live a life of holiness.  The Ruach ha’Kodesh is our indwelling Helper who comforts, regenerates, teaches, baptizes, guides, seals, sanctifies, empowers, and intercedes for each believer.  It is through the laying
on of hands, that the Ruach
imparts spiritual power and gifts to each believer in order to edify the united Body of Messiah, helping to usher in Adonai’s kingdom upon the Earth.   
( John 14:17,  John 15:26,  John 3:3-8,  John 16:13,  I Corinthians 2:12, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 
1 Corinthians 6:19-20,  Titus 3:5,  Acts 1:8,  Acts 2:1-4,  Acts 2:38,  Acts 8:17-18,  Acts 9:31,    Acts 19:5-6,  Acts 13:2-3, Ephesians 1:13,  Ephesians  4:7-15, 30, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 John
2:27,  Romans 8:14-17,  Hebrews 6:2,  I Timothy 4:14,  II Timothy 1:6-7,  Numbers 27:18, 22-23)

In the Tanakh, the Spirit of Adonai Elohim fell upon individuals during the times of our forefathers, including but not limited to Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah and the Prophets, in order to fulfill specific purposes as Priests, Prophets, and Kings, and we believe that  the same is true of Believers today.   ( 1 Peter 2:9,  II Sam. 23:1-3, Romans 8:9,  John 14:17, 26, John 16:13-15, Joel 2:28 )

Regarding  YESHUA Ha’Mashiach, the Son of GOD: 

3.  We believe that Yeshua is Ha’Mashiach (the Messiah)**, Adonai YHVH’s only begotten Son.  We use YESHUA’s true and correct name (not the Greek/Latin “Jesus”), as given by the angel Gabriel to His mother, Miryam (“Mary”).  We believe that YESHUA is deity being the only begotten of the FATHER, and that He also took the bodily form of mankind.  We believe in the scripture of Isaiah 9:6 which declares:  “For unto us a Child is born [human nature], unto us a Son is given [divine nature];  and the government shall be upon His shoulders;  and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”.         ( Proverbs 30:4, Micah 5:1 )   

We believe that YESHUA is the Jewish Messiah who was sent of The FATHER, through His Chesed (Grace and Mercy), to the sinful world, and by His atoning sacrifice, provided a way for all of Mankind to be reconciled back to The Father.  We do not believe that YESHUA is Adonai YHVH, The Father Himself, but rather, that Yeshua is the one and only begotten Son of GOD.  Because Yeshua carries the name and titles of The Father in Him, as well as The Father’s characteristics, the Father and Son are Echad, united in Spirit as One.  We believe that ALL of Creation and all things that exist, were created by Adonai YHVH through His Son YESHUA.        ( John 1:10, 29, 36,  John 14:28,  John 17:3, 20-23,  I Corinthians 8:5-6 )  


YESHUA, the promised Messiah of Israel, came to us as The Way, The Truth, and The Light.     (  Luke 1:35,  John 3:19, 21,  John 8:12,  John 9:5,  John 14:6,  Matthew 10:6, 15:24,  Isaiah 9:1-2,  Jeremiah 31:31-33 )

We believe that YESHUA is both Man and Deity;  that He is not a created being, but that He was the Word spoken from the FATHER.  That He is from eternal origins from the bosom of the FATHER. (Micah 5:2).  He is the Aleph and the Tav (Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End).  YESHUA kept the TORAH perfectly. We believe in the words spoken by YESHUA, that He sits at the “right-hand” of the Father, and that He is now our heavenly High Priest, interceding and advocating for His followers on the Earth, the children of Adonai.               ( Matthew 5:17-19,  John 1:18, II Timothy 2:5,  Psalm 110:1,  Micah 5:1,  Hebrews 9:24,  Hebrews 10:12-13 )

YESHUA was born of a virgin, supernaturally, through the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, into the tribe of Judah.  He was immersed (baptized), and later crucified, as the Lamb of GOD, although He was without sin.  We believe that after 3 days and 3 nights, He was raised from the dead, as the Firstborn, the Firstfruit of the Father, and that His sacrifice paid the debt of sin for all those who would accept Him as the Salvation of Adonai YHVH, and trust in Him as their Savior, their Adon, and their eternal King.  We believe that Salvation is by Grace through Faith, and that it is the free gift of God, and is not of one’s works.  However, as we walk in obedience, we become newly created people in Messiah, with the fruits of our good works going before us, as those who are sanctified of GOD through His TORAH. As new creatures we cannot continue in sin while under grace. The new birth requires a new life of obedience to Elohim!     (Romans 6:1-16, Isaiah 53, Ephesians 2:8-10,  Romans 8:29-39, Matthew 1:18,  Matthew 3:13-17,  Matthew 12:40,  I Corinthians 15:20 )

We believe that Adonai YHVH sent His Son, from the Glory of His previous existence in the realm of the angels, and placed Him in a body with the physical nature of man.  We believe, however, that He did not empty Himself of His deity, but that He left the Realm of Glory and gave up His exalted heavenly status to descend to the Earth for our Salvation.  When He did so, He emptied Himself of the outward manifestation of the Glory of His deity, and shared in every aspect of our existence, including joy, sorrow, hunger, thirst, weariness, betrayal, excruciating pain, and even physical death.  We believe that YESHUA was the only One in the entire universe Who was qualified, as both Man and Deity, to bear our sins, and He did it voluntarily, as the perfect human expression of the divine image. 
( Isaiah 7:14,  John 1:14,  John 17:1,5,  Galatians 4:4,  Philippians 2:5-9,  I Peter: 2:21-24,  Hebrews 1:1-4, 4:15, Hebrews 2:16-17,  Hebrews 4:15,  Revelation 5:3-12 ) 

We believe that our Adon, YESHUA, was crucified on a Wednesday on the Passover,
and was placed in the tomb on Thursday, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  He remained in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights, as He had prophesied, according to the sign of Jonah the Prophet who remained in the belly of the great fish for 3 days & 3 nights, and that He resurrected on Saturday, the 3rd day, just before sunset.  He was then “waived” as the FirstFruit to GOD on Sunday, the “8th day”.      

( Isaiah 9:6,  Psalms 45:6-7,  Hebrews 1:8-9,  Jonah 1:17,   John 20:17,  Jeremiah 23:5-6,  Proverbs 30:4,  Matthew 12:38-40,  Daniel 9:27  )

We believe that Acceptance of YESHUA as the Messiah and Savior, and His act of atonement for our sins, as well as the act of Teshuvah (Repentance of our sins), and Immersion in Living Water (Baptism in natural water) in the power and name of YESHUA, is ordained by ADONAI for all Believers.  We believe that this is the only Way for one to enter into the New covenant and be “born again” (in spirit), and be reconciled back to Our Father, in order to attain eternal Chai (Life).    ( Matthew 3:13-17,  Romans 6:3-5, 
Acts 2:37-39).
  Believers must be born of living water and of the Ruach (Spirit).   (John 3:3-8, I Peter 1:23).  Yeshua said that no one can come to the Father except through Him.   
( Luke 24:46-48,  John 10:7,9,  John 14:6,  Romans 6:22, 23,  I Corinthians 11:23-27 )   

YESHUA also told us that He would send the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, who would come soon
after He had returned to the Father, to be our Helper and Comforter.  We believe true salvation brings a new birth, a new heart, spiritual cleansing & renewal, freedom from slavery to sin, the indwelling of Adonai’s Spirit, and the power of Teshuvah (to turn)
in order to live a brand new life of boundless love, peace, joy, faithfulness, holiness, and righteousness as the Children of God.       ( Ephesians 2:10,  Galatians 2:20,  I John 3:6-10,  Colossians 3:1-3,  Romans 6:1-4,12-18,  Romans 8:1,4,9-11,  II Corinthians 5:17 )

We believe that YESHUA Ha’Mashiach, by and through His sacrifice as The Suffering Servant (Messiah Ben Yoseph), has overcome and conquered the greatest enemy of all mankind due to sin, and that is … death.  YESHUA is the Firstborn, the first to be raised up to Life Eternal, and upon His pending return, will abolish all wickedness and false religions, and will establish The Father’s eternal kingdom upon the Earth.  ( Daniel 2:44,  Daniel 7:27,  I Corinthians 15:20, 23-28, 50-54, Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 11:15  )  

We believe in the literal return of YESHUA Messiah  ( Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:9-14), as the conquering King (Messiah Ben David), when He will take the Scepter and Throne of David as the King of Kings ( Isaiah 9:6-7,  Luke 1:32-33,  John 1:1–14, Colossians 2:9, Jeremiah 31:33–36, Romans 11:11–24, Ephesians 2:14-15, Zechariah 1 4), and that He will rule and reign on the Earth for the prophetic thousand years (Millennium).  All true Believers we will follow Him and enter the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, to rule and reign with Him on the Earth. (Revelation 20:4, Zechariah 14:9,  Revelation 5:10).  

We believe that thereafter, at the end of YESHUA’s 1,000 year reign on Earth, that the scepter shall pass from the Son Yeshua to The Father, ADONAI YHVH.   We believe that
all of the true Believers who remained steadfast, shall dwell with The Father and Son throughout eternity as The Children of ADONAI YHVH.    ( Isaiah 53:4-6, Matthew 28:18,  Psalm 110:1,  Mark 14:61-62,  Zechariah 14,  Revelation 19-20,  I Corinthians 15:24-28 )

Regarding  The HOLY SCRIPTURES (Bible) and The TORAH:

4. We believe that the entire Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, including the First Covenant (TaNaKh, “Old” Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (Brit ha’Dashah, “New” Testament), is authoritative, infallible as given in its original language, prophetic, holy (kadosh), and is the Ruach-inspired Word of Adonai YHVH for all of mankind.  We adhere to the explicit command by ADONAI to neither ADD nor TAKE away from His Word, and therefore only follow what is clearly and concisely written in The Father’s Word.  We believe in its account of Creation, its History, Covenants, and Prophecies, and that The Word gives us instruction on how to live according to the WAY of Adonai YHVH and His Torot in every aspect of our existence, spiritually and physically.     ( Acts 17:11,  Deuteronomy 4:2,  John 10:35,  Proverbs 30:5-6,  II Timothy 3:16,  II Peter 1:21 )

5.  We believe that the New/Renewed Covenant is an affirmation of all that was originally inspired and written in the First Covenant (“Old Testament”), and that Yeshua fulfilled it in His life and death perfectly.  YESHUA also can be found in every single book of the Holy Scriptures.  YESHUA clearly stated that He did not come to ABOLISH the TORAH, but rather, to FULFILL it.  YESHUA is, indeed, The TORAH (Ha’TORAH).   (Matthew 5:17–19,  John 5:39,  Luke 24:44-47,  John 1:1-3,14 )

6.  We believe that the TORAH, the first 5 books of Moses, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, is the holy and Ruach-inspired Word of Adonai YHVH, is still relevant today, and will be so throughout eternity.  The TORAH is not purely “Law”, but is a combination of Adonai YHVH’s precise and holy teachings, instructions, commands, statutes, and judgements as given to Mankind. This is the same TORAH that was first given to Mankind from the very beginning, to Adam, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Moses, and the righteous forefathers.  The TORAH is the guide- book for all Believers in order that they may learn to live a practical, holy and obedient way of life.   As Adonai commanded us to “be holy as I AM Holy”, we believe that the way for anyone to live a life of holiness is to walk in The WAY of Adonai YHVH, and in a Torah-observant lifestyle.  We believe in ONE Torah for ALL peoples.    ( I John 5:1-7,  II Timothy 3:16,  Numbers 15:15,16,  Genesis 26:5,  Isaiah 56:6-7,  Isaiah 66:20-22,  Hebrews 12:10,14,  Zechariah 14:21,  Ezekiel 45:16-24; 46:1-18,  Revelation 15:8,  Revelation 11:19 )

7.  Because we believe that the TORAH is still in effect, and will continue to be so for all eternity, as scripture tells us, we strongly encourage all the Children of Adonai YHVH to carefully study and strive to walk in the TORAH to the best of their ability.  This consists of any part of the TORAH that can be applied to us, as Believers, in this modern day and age, both in the Holy Land of Israel, as well as in the Diaspora.  This includes, but is not limited to, keeping the laws of Kashrut (the Kosher diet, not eating blood), observing Shabbat on the prescribed 7th day (Saturday), and observing the 7 Moedim of Adonai YHVH (7 biblical Feast Days).  Although Salvation is through the atonement of Yeshua as our Savior, the keeping of His TORAH commands is necessary to maintain our Salvation.  This is the path that leads to our progressive sanctification, through obedience to YESHUA’s clear instruction that we keep His commandments.  Therefore, a Believer’s obedience to TORAH is necessary, as living a TORAH-observant lifestyle is undeniably the fruit of the new covenant as stated in Jeremiah 31.  Because The Father has written it upon our hearts and minds, we believe it is obedience by the Redeemed Ones to His TORAH that brings His Blessings and victory into our daily lives.   ( Jeremiah 31:31-34,  I John 3:22,  Hebrews 6:4-6,   John 14:15, 14:23,  Proverbs 3:1-10,  Proverbs 28:9,  Matthew 5:16-19,  II Peter 2:20-22,  Ezekiel 36:27,  Ezekiel 11:19-20,  Numbers 15:15-16,)

8.  As Followers of The Father, and YESHUA Ha’Mashiach, we acknowledge and accept all of the eternal Covenants made by ADONAI Elohim to His people, which include all of the following:    Edenic Covenant, Adamic Covenant, Noahdic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Mosaic Covenant, Davidic Covenant, and the Renewed Covenant.   ( Isaiah 55:3,  Isaiah 56:1-8,  Genesis 1:26-30,  Genesis 9:11-17,  Genesis 17:7-14,  Jeremiah 31:31-34,  II Samuel 7,  Hebrews 10:15-17,  Zechariah 8:23 )

Regarding  SALVATION, MAN, SIN, and the Two Deaths: 

9. We believe that all of Mankind, are sinners through the Sin and Fall of Adam and Chavah (“Adam and Eve”), and that, by their sinful nature, they are separated from their Holy and Righteous Creator, Adonai YHVH.  Because all have sinned and come short of the glory of Adonai, everyone is in need of Salvation, in order to be Redeemed back to The Father.     ( Romans 3:23,  Matthew 26:28,  John 1:12,  Acts 4:12,  I John 1:8,  Romans 5:17-19,  I Corinthians 15:21-22 )

10.  Adonai YHVH Elohim, through His infinite Love, Mercy and Grace, which He has extended to all Mankind, has provided a way of Reconciliation, Restoration, and Salvation, through the sacrifice of His Son, YESHUA Ha’Mashiach.  This unique opportunity for Salvation and Redemption is offered to every one who accepts His Son YESHUA’s sacrificial gift, and declares Him as their Adon and Savior.  We believe that there is no other name, either in Heaven or on Earth, through which one may be saved, and reconciled back to The Father, other than by, through, and in YESHUA ha’Mashiach’s name.  The Father’s free gift of Salvation is given wholly by His Grace, and only through a Believer’s Faith in YESHUA’s atoning work, and can never be achieved on the basis of human merit or works.  Likewise, the baptism of the Ruach (Spirit) is through the laying on of hands by the Zaken (Elders). ( Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 5:8-12, Psalm 103:8-12, Romans 10:9-10 & 13, Acts 4:2 )

11.  We believe that every one has the potential to experience not one, but two (2) deaths, the 1st of which is the physical death of the Body, and the 2nd is the spiritual death of the body and soul in Hell.  It is the 2nd death that man should fear and avoid, because it is this 2nd death that will eternally separate us from our Creator, Adonai YHVH.  The only way to escape this is to accept YESHUA ha’Mashiach’s sacrificial gift, declare Him as one’s Adon (Lord) and Savior, and be immersed in living water (baptized) and in His Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) and name.   ( John 5:24,29,  Hebrews 9:27,  Revelation 20:6,13-14,  I Timothy 4:14 ) 

Regarding  the Nation of ISRAEL and The Commonwealth of Israel:

12.  The nation of ISRAEL was, and is, and will forever be Adonai YHVH’s Chosen people through an everlasting covenant.  They were chosen to be Adonai YHVH’s servants and to serve as a priestly nation to all the other peoples and nations upon the Earth, to teach them how to walk in the holy WAY of Adonai YHVH and His Torot (Torah).  Although some of the people of Israel may have, at times, fallen short of Adonai YHVH’s commands, they still remain Adonai YHVH’s chosen people.  (Jeremiah 11: 16,17)

We believe Adonai’s declaration that those who curse Israel will be cursed, and those who bless her will be blessed.  Through His infinite Love & Chesed (Mercy and Grace), Adonai gave to Israel the holy Torah as a covenantal way of life, gave them the Holy Land of Israel as an eternal inheritance, and the promise of the Olam Haba (the “World to Come”).  

We believe that every one who accepts and follows YESHUA, the Jewish Messiah, becomes grafted into the natural Olive Tree, called Israel, and they unite with Israel to become citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel, sharing in both the privileges and responsibilities that come with it.  One then becomes a Hebrew by “crossing over”, just as our forefather Abraham, crossed over and become the first Ivri (Hebrew).     
( Psalm 105:6,  Deuteronomy 7:6,  Jeremiah 31:34-36, 35-37,  Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15,  Genesis 12:1-3,  Genesis 15:18-21,  Genesis 17:7-9,  Numbers 15:15-16,  Ephesians 1:4-6,  Ephesians 2,  Romans 11:28-29,  Isaiah 44:1-2, Romans 11,  Jeremiah 33:24-26 ).

13.  We believe that all true Believers and Followers of YESHUA Messiah and His Torah are spiritually united with Israel, and are commanded by ABBA Father to stand with the people and nation of Israel, as sons and daughters of Abraham, through our faith in YESHUA, the Jewish Messiah.  We do not believe that any other peoples or nation on Earth have, or ever will, replace Israel as Adonai YHVH’s Chosen People.  We define “Israel” as the nation and people of Israel, and “the Nations” as all the Nations outside of Israel.  We choose to live by the commands given by our Messiah to be the salt of the Earth, to be the Light of the World, and to “let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven”.  ( Matthew 5:13-16,  John 10:16, Leviticus 24:22,   Numbers 9:14, 15:15-16,   Matthew 5:16-19,   I Corinthians 8:6,  Romans 11:17-21,24 )

14.  We believe that the people of the Nation of Israel, the b’nei Israel, ADONAI’s “peculiar people”, regardless of race, and comprising of all of the original 12 Tribes, are now considered as One People who are collectively and commonly referred to as “Jews”, as “The Children of Israel”, as “The Nation of Israel”, and as “The Chosen People” of Adonai.  However, we believe that the term for those called “The Children of Elohim” are only used for those Jews and Non-Jews, who are the full and equal participants of the covenants of promise.  They are those who choose to enter into the Covenant of Abraham, and proclaim the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzhaq (Isaac) and Ya’akov (Jacob) as their own personal Elohim, who maintain the TORAH lifestyle, and who walk in The WAY of YHVH of Hosts, our Father and Creator.   We believe in Israel’s spiritual redemption, and that The Redeemer shall return to Zion.    (Genesis 12:1-3,  Jeremiah 31:34-36, 35-37,  Zechariah 12:8-13:1,  Romans 11:25-27,  Hebrews 9:28,  Jeremiah 31:31-40,  Romans 11:28-29,  Isaiah 59:20-21,  Zechariah 14:4 )

15.  We Believe that the Jewish people (physical descendants of Abraham through Yitzhaq (Isaac) and Ya’akov (Jacob), regardless of whether it is through the mother’s or the father’s blood-line, who place their faith in Israel’s Messiah, Yeshua, continue to be fully Jewish, according to the Scriptures (Romans 2:28-29).  We believe that all non-Jews,  (Gentiles/The Nations), who place their faith in Yeshua, are “grafted into” the Jewish olive tree by faith (Romans 11:17-25), and by “crossing over”, have become Hebrews, the spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham, our forefather and the first Ivri (Hebrew). (Galatians 3:28-29).        ( Genesis 12:1-3; 15:17-18; 17:6-9; Exodus 19:6; Numbers 24:9; Deuteronomy 7:6-9; 14:1-2; 29:1; 30:10;  II Samuel 7:12-16;  Jeremiah 30:7; 31:31-37;  Ezekiel 20:33-42; 36:25-28; Hosea 3:4-5; Amos 3:2; 9:8; Zechariah 12:10–13:9; Matthew 28:18-20; John 4:22; Acts 13:46; 21:24-26; Romans 1:16; 6:14; 8:2; 9:1-5; 10:1-4; 11:1-5, 25-29; 1 Corinthians 9:20; 2 Corinthians 3:1-11;  Galatians 3:1-6, 11;  Ephesians 2:14-16 )

Regarding  RELIGIONS:

16.  We are a congregation of Messianic Believers and Followers of The WAY of Adonai YHVH, and of His only begotten Son, the Jewish Messiah YESHUA of Natzeret.  We are Hebrews (the crossed over ones), made up of both Jews and Non-Jews.  We are those who, since the time of the 1st century Synagogue of the Apostles, were referred to as “The People of The WAY”, The sect of the Nazarenes in Acts 24:5,14. With “The Way” being that of ADONAI Elohim of Hosts, and The Way of YESHUA Messiah, who said:  “I AM The WAY, The Truth, and The Life”. ( John 14:6,) 

17.  We do not support, believe in, or follow any man-made religions or their man-made doctrines.  We believe that The WAY of Adonai YHVH, as given by Our Creator, Adonai YHVH, to Mankind through the forefathers (including but not limited to Adam, Noah, Shem, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, David, etc.) is not a man-made religion, but is a spiritual way of Life for all true Believers.  Walking in this WAY and lifestyle will help us to overcome our sin nature, to become tzaddikim (righteous ones), and will eventually lead to reconciliation with ABBA Father, to live an Eternal existence with Him.    ( I John 4:1,  Deuteronomy 4:2,  Deuteronomy 13:1-4,  Matthew 24:24,  Daniel 7:25,  Galatians 1:8-9,  Ephesians 4:14 )

Regarding  Man-Made, False Doctrines and Theologies, and Beast Worship:

18.  We do not adopt any man-made doctrines, but only adhere to those of ADONAI Elohim, as written in His Holy Scriptures.  We either are not part of, entirely reject, or do not adhere to any of the following religious theologies, sects, beliefs, doctrines, movements, or any forms of “Beast” worship, as follows:   

  • Any theology that follows any other teachings of any alleged prophets or teachers, or that elevates those teachings above that of our messiah YESHUA, the original Apostles, and the biblical Prophets.            ( Deuteronomy 13:1-4,  Matthew 15:9,  Daniel 7:5, 
    Mark 7:7,  Galatians 1:8-9  )
  • Any and all forms of “Beast Worship”, including but not limited to, pagan holidays (Christmas (Tammuz), Easter (Ishtar), Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Day of The Dead, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Sun Worship, Mardi Gras, Carnival, etc.), worship of any and all false gods, fallen angels and worshiping of angels, worship of “saints”, all forms of witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, black magic, occult, satanic and demon worship, etc.     ( Revelation 13,  Colossians 2:18  )
  • Any theology that observes pagan ideologies, rituals and forms of worship, pagan holidays, Sunday Sabbaths, or The Trinity doctrine.  ( Jeremiah 10:1-4,  Isaiah 66:17,  Revelation 14:9-11,  Revelation 18:3-4  )
  • Any theology that elevates any written documents above the Word of Adonai YHVH, which consists of the entire Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, and the apocryphal books;  ( II Timothy 3:16,  II Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:5-6 )
  • Any theology that teaches that the Torah has been done away with;
    ( Matthew 5:16-19,  Psalms 89:34,  Luke 16:16,  Psalms 119:89 )
  • Any theology that rejects Believers from the nations, and teaches that the Torah is not
    for those who, through conviction, have put their trust and belief in Yeshua The Messiah, and who,
    as a result of their spiritual conversion, have thereby become wholly part of the spiritual commonwealth of Yisra’el;   (Numbers 15:15-16, Ephesians 2, Romans 3:31)
  • Two House, Dispensational theology, the Ephraimite theology, the Rapture Theories (including Secret Rapture, Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib), the Israelite movement, Lunar sabbath doctrine, Restoration of Israel, Christian Zionists, Restoration of the House of David, Aviv barley reckoning for the Moedim, Christian Jews, 10 Lost Tribes theology, Sacred Name doctrine, Hebrew Believers theology, Anglo-Israelites doctrine, The Brotherhood, Law or Grace theology, Dayspring/Sunrise Sabbath Heresy Theology, any and all forms of anti-Semitism,  the Ineffable Name doctrine,  Prosperity doctrine,  Replacement Theology, Speaking-In-Tongues requirement for Salvation, and others.
    ( Revelation 12:17,  Revelation 14:12,  John 10:16,  John 11:51-52,  Romans 11:26,  Ephesians 2:12-13,19-21,  Galatians 3:27-29 )

Regarding  ADONAI’s MOEDIM (The 7 FEAST DAYS):

19.  We honor and observe all of the appointed times and seasons of Adonai YHVH  pursuant to His instruction in the TORAH and Scriptures, keeping all of the seven (7) Moedim (Appointed Times, Feast Days) in their duly-appointed seasons. These include Pesach (Passover, and the 2nd Passover), Feast of Firstfruits, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Shavuot (Pentecost/Feast of Weeks), Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur ( The Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles).   ( Leviticus 23,  Deuteronomy 6:17)

20.  We also observe the Jewish/Hebrew traditional feasts of Chanukah (Feast of Lights), and Purim, Shemini Atzeret (8th Day, Last Great Day), Simchat Torah (Joy of Torah), as well as other minor holydays, fasts and observances.   We strive to be like Yeshua in everything we do, which includes observing some of the Jewish traditions that Yeshua and His Apostles observed, and which we keep in a spirit of Love and Unity with our brothers and sisters in the Nation of Israel.      ( John 10:22,  Esther 9:18-21,31-32 )

Regarding  SHABBAT (The Sabbath):

21.  We believe that Shabbat (The Sabbath Day), as given by ADONAI, is the 7th day of the week, which is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.  The Shabbat was ordained as the first set-aside, holy day by ADONAI at the end of the Creation process, and was later re-affirmed in the TORAH given to Moses at Mt. Sinai, and once again by YESHUA Ha’Mashiach Himself.   It is a day of Rest, Peace, and Joy in the presence of our Father, a day to set aside all the things of this world (worries, stresses, and troubles) and turn our full focus on the things of ABBA Father and His Son, and rest in their Spirit of Peace and Tranquility.      ( Matthew 11:28,  Genesis 2:1-3,  Exodus 20:8-11,  Exodus 16,  Exodus 31:13-17,  Leviticus 23:3,  Luke 4:16,  Hebrews 4:9-11,  Isaiah 58″13-14 )

22.  We believe that the 7th day/Saturday observance of Shabbat remains in full effect, and has never been revoked, abolished or changed anywhere in the Holy Scriptures.  For this reason we fully honor and observe the 7th day of the week, as ADONAI’s holy Shabbat, The Adon’s Day, the Day of Rest.  The keeping of the Sabbath is the only one of the 10 Commandments Adonai cautions us to remember.  Yeshua declared that the Sabbath was created for man, intended as a blessing.  However, man turned it into a heavy burden, by adding his own traditions and doctrines.   ( Mark 2:27,  Hebrews 4:9-11,  James 2:10-12,  I John 2:3-7,  Isaiah 58:13-14,  Revelation 22:14 )

Regarding  The Adversary, ha’satan, and Hell:

23.  We believe that there is an existing adversary, known as satan (the ha’satan), who is also called the Devil, the Serpent and Dragon;  who rebelled against Adonai, who has power with both devils and Mankind, who has control of people who will not hear ADONAI’s voice, and who refuse to follow the WAY of Adonai YHVH, some of whom are even able to deceive people as “ministers of righteousness”.    ( Genesis 3:1;  Matthew 12:22;  I Peter 5:8;  John 8:44-47;  Revelation 12:9;  II Corinthians 11:13-15 )  

24.  We believe that Hell indeed exists, and is a real place, and that the unrighteous (the damned who die without accepting YESHUA’s salvation) will rise from death at the Judgment, where they will be condemned to Hell for all Eternity (the 2nd death).  We believe that Hell is an Eternal separation from The Father, ADONAI Elohim.  However, The Father’s desire is that no one be lost, and be separated from Him for eternity, and that is why He sent His Son, YESHUA to save us.   ( John 3:16-18, Hebrews 9:27,  II Peter 3:9,  Revelation 20:12-15 )

25.  We believe that YESHUA has broken the power of the adversary, ha’satan, and that calling upon His Name makes devils impotent against Believers.  ( Hebrews 2:14,  Luke 10:17 ).  

26.  We believe that the Lord YESHUA, along with His followers, are at battle with ha’satan and his minions, and that YESHUA is the ultimate victor in this “battle”.     Ephesians 6:11-19;  Isaiah 28:21-22; 45:17-25,  Ezekiel 38-39;  Hosea 13-14;  Joel 3:9-21;  Revelation 11:18; 15:4;  Micah 7:16-20;  Zechariah 14:9;  Malachi 4;  Matthew 28:18;  Luke 19:27;  I Corinthians 15:24-28; Philippians 2:9-11;  II Peter 3:7-13;  19:11-15 ). 


27.  We believe there are many members in One body, and that The Father endows all true believers with Spiritual Gifts.  These gifts are for the strengthening of His people and for proof of His existence and power to unbelievers.  The Gifts of The Spirit are active and relevant to this day.  These include but are not limited to:  Prophecy, Teachers, Miracles, Helps, Guidance, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, and Divine Healing (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) through YESHUA, our Healer.    ( I Peter 4:10,  I Corinthians 12:4-11,  Matthew 9:35,  Acts 10:38,  Matthew 10:1,  Luke 9:11,  Romans 12:3-8 )


28.  We believe that Sanctification is an ongoing process in all Believers that helps us to mature spiritually, allows The Father’s character to be developed in us, and draws us ever closer to the Father and His Son YESHUA;  “precept upon precept;  line upon line, line on line; here a little, there a little”.      ( Isaiah 28:9-10,   Galatians 5:22-25,  Romans 6:19,  Proverbs 4:18,  II Timothy 2:15,  II Peter 3:18 )

Regarding  The POWER of PRAYER:

29.  We believe in the power of prayer, that the effective zealous prayer of a tzaddik (righteous one) avails much.  We believe in the doctrine of the laying on of hands for healing, for the infilling of the Holy Spirit through baptism, for the stirring up of the Gifts of the Ruach (Holy Spirit), and for ordination.         ( James 5:16,  Hebrews 6:2,  Mark 16:18,  James 5:14,  Acts 8:18,  19:6,  II Timothy 2:6,  I Timothy 4:14,  Acts 6:3-7 ).

Regarding  The End of Days and The Resurrection:

30.  We believe in the Resurrection of the Dead, of both the saved and the lost, as prophesied in the Holy Scriptures, and that has been demonstrated.   As taught in the Holy Scriptures, we believe that those Redeemed who are resurrected to eternal Life, will rule and reign with YESHUA ha’Mashiach for a 1,000 years on Earth.    ( Job 19:25-27,  Acts 24:14-15,  Hosea 13:13-14,  Revelation 5:9-10,  I Corinthians 15:11-26, I Peter 1:3,  John 5:29,  Job 14:14,  Job 19:25-27, Daniel 12:2-3,  John 3:36, 11:25-26,  Revelation 20:5-6, 10-15,  21:7-8,  22:1-5 ).

31.  We believe the 7th and final trump will sound after the time of the final Tribulation ends.   We also believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved in the First Resurrection, and the un-saved at the Second Resurrection.  The former an Celestial body and the latter an earthly body. After the throne Judgments, we believe in the everlasting fellowship of the saved with The Father and Son, and in eternal damnation and separation from Adonai for the un-saved. ( Matthew 24: 29-31,  Revelation 20:4-6, 12-14 )   

32.  The Holy Scriptures gives us specific signs which will be present before the arrival of the Day of the Lord (the period at The End of Days).  These signs are the Apostasy (including the renouncing of one’s professed faith, and the changing of dates & times, including that of the 7th day Saturday Sabbath to Sunday), the Restoration of Israel in 1948 (restoring the people of Yisra’el back to the Holy Land ), the capturing of Jerusalem in 1967, and the arrival of the Man of Sin (Lawlessness).   Other signs of the End Times will include the Restoration of the 1st Century faith as it was in the beginning, and the fulfillment of the Spirit of Elijah.   ( Jeremiah 30:15-24,  Jeremiah 33:14-17,  Jude 1:3, Malachi 4:4-6, Luke 1:17,  Luke 21:24,  Isaiah 40:3-5,  Ezekiel 11:15-20,  Ezekiel 36:8,10-12, 24,35-38,  Matthew 24,  Deuteronomy 30,  Daniel 7:25,  II Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 11:3-8 )  

At the End of Days, true Believers and Followers of YESHUA ( The Elect ) will stand up and witness to the world, allowing the Ruach Ha’Kodesh (“Holy Spirit”) to give His Message to the world by speaking His Words through them.  This will come to pass at the 3rd angel’s message, when the two beasts of Revelation join, or merge together, to create the New
or One World Order.  During this time, no one will be
able to buy or sell without the
mark of the Beast.    
( Mark 13:9,  Luke 21:24-27,  Revelation 12:9,  Revelation 13:13, Revelation 14:9-12,  Revelation 15:2,  Revelation 20:4 )

It is written of the Believers and Followers of YESHUA that we are “The Elect”,  the “Called Out Ones”, who are to remain steadfast, faithful and true, and who will be preserved until the End of Days, and the Return of our Messiah YESHUA, as the Conquering King.  We hold these words to be true, as written in I Peter 1:9-10:  

But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood; a holy people, and a people for possession; that you should proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness to His precious light:   you who then were “Not a people, but now are the people of ADONAI YHVH;  who had not obtained mercy, but who now have mercies poured out upon you.  The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Adon YESHUA!”  Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength to our Elohim forever and ever.  Amen.

( I Corinthians 1:24,  Colossians 3:12,  Isaiah 65:22,  Psalms 89:3,  Luke 18:7,  Romans 8:33,  2 Timothy 2:10,  Titus 1:1, Mark 13: 20-22, 27,  Revelation 7:12,  Revelation 22:20 )Isaiah 53 



With YESHUA HaMashiach as the cornerstone, and with the help of Adonai, we will lay an immovable foundation, built upon the TORAH, the Apostles and the Prophets, that resonates the spirit of Faith, Hope and Love. We are building up a Messianic synagogue with a world-wide network of true Believers and Disciples, who will serve together, in their various capacities, to glorify and uplift the Elohim of Yisra'el, and His Son Yeshua, the Messiah. Our ultimate goal is to help bring in the end-time harvest of souls, and prepare the Way for the return of our Messiah YESHUA and the Kingdom of our Elohim, ABBA YHVH. ( Ephesians 2:20-22, Matthew 24:14 )

With Adonai’s help, Beit Immanuel will achieve this as follows:

  • Creating a spiritual home for those who truly seek to have a meaningful relationship with Adonai, and to enter into His covenants;   
  • Providing a place where Believers will receive teaching and instruction in the WAY of Adonai YHVH and His Torah, immersing themselves in The Word, without the doctrines
  • It is a place for worship, spiritual development, discipleship, service and fellowship, in order to become fruitful branches of The Vine, Yeshua, and to be found doing the work
    of the Kingdom upon His return;  
    ( Hebrews 10:24-25,  John 15:1-10 ) 
  • After discipleship and Torah training, our congregants will take the Good News
    of our Messiah
    Yeshua wherever Adonai sends us, making disciples and followers of Yeshua who walk in The WAY of Adonai YHVH, and who in turn, will be able to teach others to do the same;  
  • Our members will learn how to serve within our own families, congregations, communities, and globally, to help prepare the way for the soon coming return of our KING of Kings, our Messiah Yeshua;   ( John 15:5,  Luke 24:47-48,  Acts 1:8,  II Timothy 2:2 ) 
  • We strive to be a Light unto the Nations, bringing the message of the Gospel of Salvation and The Torah, through various means including, but not limited to, Internet, Radio, Television, Publishing of Literature, CDs/ DVDs, Bible distribution, world-wide Missions, and more; 
  • We plan to develop compassion projects to aid the needy around the world, including food and clothing drives, building of clean water wells, assistance to widows and orphaned children, ministering to prisoners, providing aid for sick, the building of affordable and energy-efficient homes, schools, hospitals & places of worship, and much more. These projects will also include providing aid to Israel’s poor and needy, within the Holy Land, and throughout the Diaspora.  (Isaiah 61:1-3, Isaiah 42:6-7)

Ohr Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, Bradenton, FL

Rabbi Gary Beresford

Come work with us

Zaken Sion and Sharlene Clovis
